Trevor MacKenzie is a beloved teacher and celebrated author of a series of books about inquiry learning, and has an incredible talent for storytelling. Blog
Belen Verduzco is a trailblazer in California construction circles who helped build Levi® Stadium, and is pushing the envelope as a positive role model for women shaping the future, literally and figuritively. Cimientos Latinos
CynDee Zandes is the person who imagined, then built, expanded learning into one of the most dynamic learning systems in the world; and she's about to do it again. LinkedIn
Richard Tavener is founder of GiFT and inventor of Mission Zero, a learning experience whereby teachers and students experience the power of future-focused scenario-based learning. Imagine it.
Mara Wold, California Dept. of Education Expanded Learning shares her vision of the future of education based on an unexpected future-focused scenario. LinkedIn.
Doreen Hassan, YMCA of Silicon Valley shares her vision of the future of education based on an unexpected future-focused scenario. LinkedIn.
Gino Garcia, Ecology Action shares his vision of the future of education based on an unexpected future-focused scenario. LinkedIn.
Renaissance man Jason is an award-winning documentarian, STEAM educator and mural artist captures the essence of The Futurist Educator. LinkedIn.
"Fusion Skills help us to understand the key critical skills for lifelong learning."
Dr. Yuhyun Park The DQ Insitute
"Fusion Skills celebrate the best of what makes us human, supports us to collaborate and take initiative."
Helena Good Daydream Believers
"Fusion Skills enable people to look beyond their academic or technical skills and see the potential of their transferable skills."
Patrick Craven City & Guilds
Fusion brings together different industries and technologies to spark innovation and create economic growth. Fusions skills are interdisciplinary and drive creativity and innovation.
Anne Bamford City of London
What are Fusion Skills?
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this FREE? Yes, FREE.
Indeed, Fusion 3 Global Conference is FREE. In California we are hosting the Pacific Time Zone session of Fusion 3, and in doing so have branded our part of the conference GiFTxchange. Our platform is called GiFT, so in the spirit of sharing it's an exchange of ideas. You bring your experiences to share, and others will do the same. Just register first then get ready for an idea picnic.
Why attend? Your future depends on it.
If you are interested in the future you should attend. If you are interested in education then you should attend. If you are not interested in educating the next generation to shape the future then you should not attend and take the 1-hour time slot and rethink what you're thinking.
Who are the speakers? Thought leaders in teaching and learning.
Trevor MacKenzie is a beloved teacher and celebrated author of a series books about inquiry learning and has this incredible talent for storytelling. CynDee Zandes is the woman who imagined, then built, expanded learning into one of the most dynamic learning systems in the world. Richard Tavener is founder of GiFT and inventor of Mission Zero whereby students experience the power of imaging a future through scenario-based learning. Belen Verduzco is a trailblazer in California engineering circles, pushing the envelope as a positive role model for women in engineering. All of these speakers have time traveled to the year 2050 and have returned to share what they learned ; the good the bad and the ugly.
Special note, this session will be documented by renowned filmmaker, STEAM educator and renaissance man Jason Pittman.
Plus, there are three conference attendees who accepted the invitation to shape the future. Each will have a different scenario for the future and their task is to share with the audience a sneak peak into the future of education.
What is Fusion 3 Global? A collaboration of people from around the world working to reimagine education.
Fusion Skills are skills that go beyond preparing for the future, rather, to guide students to shape the future You can find out all the details about Fusion Skills by clicking this box. Explore Fusion 3 here.
What is GiFT California? A very powerful online platform to help you shape an exponentially changing future.
Global Institute for Futures Teaching (a.k.a. GiFT) is an online space for people around the world to access content, and to connect with a community focused on helping teachers and learners shape an exponentially changing future. You can sign-up forGiFT here, there is no cost. GiFT is just that, something you give and receive; and those two things are directly proportional.
What is The Futurist Educator, is this a show or something? Or something.
Sure The Futurist Educator is like a TV show; highly produced and engaging for you to watch. But it's more than that. It's multimedia, its conversation, it's interactive, it has the audience involved in speculative futures, it's fun, it's provocative, it's future-focused.
What this is not: it's not a zoom call (thankfully), it's not a speech (whew, not another speech), it's not a lecture (seriously does anyone actually lecture anymore?), it's not some sage on a stage (please tell me no one does this), it's not about fixing education; we've known education needs fixing for decades (ok we get it, we need to fix education: "More creativity," "Put an 'A' in STEM," "More maker spaces," "PBL," "Hands-on," blah, blah, blah been there done that). OF COURSE education needs changing that's a given, everything changes.
"Fixing" education is like putting a new coat of paint on an old steam engine and calling it a newer better steam engine, yet it's still just an old steam engine with new paint. No. What education needs is a warp engine.
So, the question is what's the warp engine? That's The Futurist Educator in a nutshell. The future, education and how to help teachers and learners shape an exponentially changing future.
What cities are involved? Starting in Australia then moving online virtually each hour to a host city in the next time zone.
Sydney / Jakarta / Bangalore / Qatar / Helsinki / London / Edinburgh / Reykjavik / New York / Edmonton / California
What will I learn? You will learn how to guide your students to become adept time travelers.
In a world with more unknowns than knowns, you'll learn how to weave practices of inquiry and futures thinking into learning experiences; why it's important to connect innovators in technology, business, government and social systems with educators and students; and what it means to teach our educators and students to become adept time travelers. The power of our society is in our collective imagination.
Is The Futurist Educator online or in-person? Online, live stream replay from our virtual studio to your computer.
All of Fusion 3 is online. The Futurist Educator is online, live streaming via our virtual studio to your computer on June 7th at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Here is the Live Stream Replay Link.
Post COVID we'll be hosting The Futurist Educator as a GiFT Exchange in-person on a vineyard / horse ranch in the Central Coast region of California. Sounds good doesn't it! Can't wait to invite you.